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Your Horoscope for October 7: It's fundamental to make an effort

Read your complete Prediction for this Thursday 7th, according to your Zodiac Sign on health, money and love


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Aries, mind your words, or rather, the way you say things. You’ll do better being a little more careful before a storm brews up and explodes. If you need to write down what you want to say before you say it, do so. This Thursday you should let your ideas be heard, not just keep them to yourself.

It’ll be great for your professional growth to be more active about your initiatives and ideas. It’ll give you the boost you need for your career to push forward.

If you feel there’s things you’d like to start on, don’t hold it back any longer and go for it. You’ll feel more relieved if you start doing what fulfils you.

  • Aries, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You get greatly concerned about people, but you can be too invasive sometimes. People need space and time of their own. They’ll come to you when they need you, but don’t force situations into happening.

Professionally speaking, you’ll feel you’re not shining as bright as you’d like. You’ve got to be more open and present your ideas. Give up on the backseat and dare to share what you think, or how you’d do things.

Your time is precious, even more so if you devote it to yourself. Think about you and your happiness more often.

  • Taurus, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

There’s changes brewing around your life which will explode into fruition in just a little. You might turn them down or be scared at the start. However, all chances imply learning and adaptation. Embrace what the Stars send and accept it fully.

Sometimes you follow everyone else’s trends and fit into what the group thinks, forgetting about your own ideas. You’ve got to believe in yourself and be open to saying what you think.

There’s people around you who are far too intense. You feel overwhelmed with the mental overload they bring. You should let them see it or separate a little.

  • Gemini, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Your Horoscope points out that you tend to isolate or lock yourself away emotionally. You’d do better by getting in touch more often with loved ones, and improve your social skills.

Around work, you’re not making the most of your potential like you should. You’ve got the power and capacity to get so much further than you planned. Define your goals clearly and be more ambitious.

You feel like your energy’s over the top lately. You’ve got to use it more and keep it going. Many would love that kind of vitality, so don’t waste it.

  • Cancer, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Leo, today you should be alert because you could have some unfortunate encounters with the people around you. Your Prediction indicates that it could be due to a betrayal. Try to overcome it and let it serve as a learning experience for the future.

Your financial situation will improve. The stars foresee an economic stabilization. Try not to miss an opportunity to save a little and be more proactive in the future.

Pay more attention to these discomforts you're feeling. Be aware of them and give them the importance they deserve. Your health is fundamental.

  • Leo, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Virgo, you know that being able to enjoy your own company is essential. However, don't forget that so is socializing with other people. You need it more than you think.

Don't doubt your abilities. Testing and challenging yourself is good but always believe in yourself – you don’t want to end up suffering from the "imposter syndrome".

Having nostalgia for the past and expecting the future to be different without doing anything about it makes no sense. Change what you have now to start walking towards your objectives.

  • Virgo, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

You'll have to solve your problems with that person, as they're not letting you move forward. Although you want to avoid conflict, it's necessary that you face this situation and put a solution to it as soon as possible.

Regarding work, your colleagues will need you. They'll be dealing with an issue that won't be solved without your help. Be collaborative and available. They'll return you the favor.

That pending problem is always on your mind and no matter how much you think about it, you only feel more confused. Solve it as soon as possible; it'll be a weight off your shoulders.

  • Libra, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

There are days when even the smallest thing can turn into a giant argument. Be careful because that can happen to you today. Try to understand the other person's problems; he/she may also need your support.

You seem to have a hard time listening to or receiving criticism from your peers, Scorpio. Try to be more humble and understand that they're telling you this because they appreciate you. Reflect on why it bothers you so much.

Perhaps there are some people in your life who cause you extreme emotions: either the greatest amusement or the most visceral anger. Beware of their toxicity and remember that no one likes unhealthy relationships.

  • Scorpio, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Being brave to try new and exciting things is always positive – especially for the experience and the lesson they offer. Don't think it twice and go for it! Plan what you want to do and dare to do it. Don't fight other people’s battles, Sagittarius.

You have to know how to set boundaries regarding the things you can and should deal with. Giving advice and helping someone calm down is good but you shouldn’t turn other people’s problems into your own.

You need to free your mind of these worries. You’re thinking so much about it that you’re becoming more and more confused.

  • Sagittarius, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You should be more pragmatic, Capricorn. You need to understand that the end is also a part of the journey. You must allow yourself to feel and acknowledge all these emotions but also know when to overcome them and when it no longer makes sense for you to feel like this.

You’ll be able to unwind at work and that’s why you’ll be more creative than you think. Try to get your colleagues to see this trait as well.

You need to be honest with yourself and with those around you who could make a mistake. You can help them prevent this mistake.

  • Capricorn, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

You need to clear your head as soon as possible, because work, everyday life problems and couple quarrels are causing you a lot of stress.

When it comes to your job, the Stars advise you to make a decision, however risky it may be. It's the smartest thing to do and you must decide now.

When you have a free moment, look for activities that help you break your routine. It always seems that you don't have time for anything, but sometimes taking longer breaks makes you more efficient.

  • Aquarius, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Today’s prediction says that you should change your mentality. Normally, you put yourself first but you easily prioritize others when you think they need you. You must learn to be helpful without neglecting yourself.

You should pay attention to what you do at work. You’re focused on so many things that you forget the things that don’t seem as important. You aren’t perfect and you’re allowed to make mistakes, of course. However, making mistakes because you’re distracted isn’t good.

Try to stay motivated with your routines. Sometimes you’ll be happier with them, sometimes you’ll feel tired but above all, try to be constant.

  • Pisces, the Horoscope for you October, 7 2021